West Kimberley Executive Visit group in Broome, 2015.
Photo: David Rennie
Catherine Hunter described how secondments
affect employee loyalty: ‘KPMG won the human
rights business award last year and I think it made
everyone in the firm really stand up and think about
what we do and feel enormously proud of what we
do, because it has become quite core—the Jawun
program in particular.’
Steph Stokes said her loyalty towards NAB was
cemented after completing a secondment in 2014.
‘There’s the sense of organisational pride. I try to
share with people that I am so proud to work for an
organisation that thinks this is really important and
invests in their people to give back.’ Trish Clancy
talked about the impact of the Jawun program on
both employee engagement and retention: ‘I have
a theory that we retain people who’ve been on a
Jawun secondment for longer. Our BCG alumni
who have been secondees are often closer to us,
it deepens that connection.’
Delivers corporate social responsibility
Community investment
Sustainable development
Bring RAP to life
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the
‘responsibility of an organisation for the impacts
of its decisions and activities on society and the
This responsibility is expressed
through behaviour that ‘contributes to sustainable
development, including the health and welfare of
Jawun supports its secondment partners
to deliver on CSR by providing a framework to
effectively engage with and contribute to positive
outcomes for Indigenous communities. As
Anthony Roediger from BCG attested: ‘Jawun’s
brokering role dramatically raises the chances
of success and sustainability by providing the
mechanism for corporates to get involved with
Indigenous Australia.’