The ripple effect beyond
the individual
Most secondees and Executive Visit participants
came away from the experience with a better
understanding of Indigenous people and their
culture, and increased empathy for the challenges
they face. With these new insights came a desire
to ‘spread the word’: to share experiences and
learnings about Indigenous affairs with others,
or to challenge misconceptions. Often this begins
influencing family
social networks
One of the true benefits of the
secondment program is having people
like me who live in major cities, who
would never have the opportunity to
live in an Indigenous community …
we come back and we talk about it
and we spread the word that it’s not
just this narrow view.
CAPE YORK 2003 AND 2008–09
Bonnie Carter reflected: ‘I got back and told family
members about my experiences, and they were
completely gobsmacked by it all. It’s certainly
changed their perceptions. I’ve been able to
have these conversations, use my experience to
influence others and change their thinking.’
Bonnie’s reaction was typical of that of most
secondees. Tien Do from KPMG completed a
secondment in 2013, six years after settling in
Australia. ‘I shared what I’d learnt about Aboriginal
communities and culture with my wife and kids
and friends,’ he said. ‘Some of my friends were
surprised—they didn’t really know that much,
even if they were born here.’ Melissa Noonan from
Westpac said her secondment had had a flow-on
effect for her family:
I was a girl who grew up in Melbourne with no
Indigenous friends, no awareness. I now have
many Indigenous friends—through a secondment
you develop those friendships. As a result, my
family has connected with Indigenous Australians,
my nieces and nephews share my experiences.
Other secondees travelled back to the place
of their secondment with partners or family
to introduce them to the organisations and
communities where they worked. After her
secondment to Cape York Aboriginal Australian
Academy, Martina Friedl from Westpac took her
partner to Cape York. ‘I wanted him to understand;
he’s from England. We went back to the school
and he saw the classes … It was really important for
me to pass that on to him so that he has a better
understanding. We watch
Redfern Now
and we watch it with a totally different view
and understanding.’
Steph Stokes from NAB wanted to pass on her
knowledge to the next generation. She took
her family to the West Kimberley following her
secondment to the Beagle Bay Women’s Group.
‘Taking my children back into the community where
I worked was a very special moment indeed,’ she
said. ‘My secondment sparked a lot of passion
in me for Indigenous culture, and I really wanted
my kids to see that. I wanted them to have that
exposure to Indigenous people and culture that
I didn’t get when I was a kid. I want to bring them
up with open minds, so they’re considerate and
appreciative of a culture that is different from
their own.’
Nina Kordic felt better informed and able to
contribute to general conversations about
Indigenous affairs following her secondment:
What I’ve noticed in my own circles is that the
understanding of Indigenous challenges is fairly
low. After experiencing a Jawun secondment and
getting a taste of how complex the issues are,
you can actually hold a conversation about it.
And then within your sphere of influence, you’re
able to have a conversation that has an educative,
empathetic influence on others.
Secondees and executives commonly felt
motivated to exert a positive
influence on
their professional circles
following their Jawun
experience. This came through educating and
spreading awareness, or encouraging others
to get involved in Indigenous affairs.