Alignment to people development
agendas drives organisational value
Organisations that align Jawun to people and
talent development strategies are better able to
evaluate and leverage capability growth, career
progression and leadership opportunities for
secondees. An internal application process that
incorporates performance criteria drives effective
candidate selection. Pitching the program as a
valuable professional development experience
helps the secondee to understand organisational
expectations, maximise the immersion opportunity
and apply their learnings back in the workplace.
Increased intercultural competency
fosters more inclusive behaviours
Secondees return to work with improved
intercultural competency and are better able
to demonstrate inclusive leadership behaviours
and thereby influence organisational culture. The
process of changing or altering perceptions that
occurs on secondment, bolstered by growth in
emotional intelligence, increases an individual’s
understanding of what it means to behave
inclusively and how to work more effectively with
others to achieve outcomes—better enabling an
organisation to tap the proven value available
through leveraging diversity in the workforce.
Individuals who have had a Jawun
experience are part of a growing
ripple effect
What begins as a personal and individual
experience often sparks a process of change—
first attitudinal, then behavioural, then taking
action—the effects of which flow into family,
professional and broader social circles. The
opportunities for individuals facilitated by Jawun
result in an increasing pool of informed, engaged
and interculturally competent people who
go on to engage with Indigenous Australia
in constructive ways that may have a positive
impact on society, industry or government.
Barriers to value creation
Partial, siloed or limited leveraging of the
Jawun partnership
The Jawun partnership can be leveraged in a
number of ways to benefit secondment partner
organisations. The key barrier to value creation
is when organisations do not leverage those
channels to full effect. Indicators of partial,
siloed or limited leverage are:
• Lack of advocacy at senior leadership level:
Executive advocacy is necessary to engage
employees in the organisational importance
of the program, position managers to support
people in their teams to go on secondment,
and recognise value-adding outcomes.
• Siloed approach to partnership:
When the
partnership sits within a siloed or disconnected
business unit, opportunities to reach more
employees and create value in the broader
organisation are limited.
• Lack of internal processes to support secondees:
Sound internal processes are necessary to
manage secondments effectively from end to
end and deliver value back to the business.
Photo: Nick Eakin