Since 2010, Jawun has produced a yearly report
that showcases key learnings and insights focusing
on a particular aspect of the organisation. This is
Jawun’s sixth such report. Previous reports can be
accessed on Jawun’s website at
This Learnings and Insights report is Part 1 in a
two-part series.
Jawun—A Story of Shared Value:
Corporate and government partners
focuses on
our secondment partners and explores the value
of the Jawun relationship at a number of levels.
Part 2 in the series, to be released in 2016, will
focus on Indigenous partnerships and explore how
Jawun is contributing to lasting and measurable
outcomes in the lives of people in those
The first section of the report, ‘Jawun: Since 2001’,
describes how the partnership has evolved over
the past 15 years. In the second section, ‘Creating
value’, we explore the personal and professional
growth that has taken place in individuals as a
result of their Jawun secondment. Then, from
a secondment partner perspective, we look at
organisational proof points of value creation
that come from engaging with the secondment
program and the opportunities Jawun presents
to collaborate with Indigenous Australia. We
draw from these insights to affirm ways in which
our partners can unlock deeper value through
partnering with Jawun. In the final section,
‘A growing ripple effect’, the larger impact of
Jawun is described: how the growing number
of Jawun secondees capable of genuine and
effective engagement with Indigenous Australia
can influence society more broadly.
The information in this report was garnered from
more than 50 in-depth interviews with individuals
and senior executives, including current and past
secondees, from our corporate and government
partners. Their names are listed in the
acknowledgments. Wherever possible, the report
includes direct quotations from the interviewees,
examples and case studies to bring these insights
to life.
As Jawun continues to grow and learn more
about engaging with Indigenous communities,
it is committed to sharing what it learns with
government, corporate and philanthropic
Reflecting on the collaborative work of our Indigenous, government and corporate
partners, we start to see a richness of solutions and outcomes emerging due
to the different skills and strengths that have been brought to the table. It is also
heartening to observe the changes in attitudes and the benefits flowing across
all three sectors as a result of this partnership through Jawun.